Monday, July 6, 2009



Sunday, July 5, 2009

...and I looked into her 15 inch pixelated screen and said...


Hari Koko was abit pathetic... The day before it, Ding and I stayed over at Johnathan's house... They had to reach school early to setup stall. Anyways, we left his house at about 6am... I helped out at the Pengakap Laut stall (SJAM TRAITOR !), so I could get free food later on.... which I did... XD. Anyways, the PL stall was I think the most successful stall on Hari Koko...

Anyways, I got an inch and a half cut from Ding with my own blade... humiliating... you know how when you pass a knife or a sword or even a gun to someone, you turn it around and pass them the hilt? Being considerate of my friends safety... (FTW) ... I did just that ... stupid wound kept opening again and again... Thanks to Wilee and Mel S for first aiding it like a true Ahli St John... *wipes tear.

St John stall was almost... ALMOST an epic fail twice, first time was because of not having a suitable pan/wok to deep fry and second because the mini stove gg'ed for awhile... 

The 1Malaysia Drama prepared by the Interact Club was abit crappy... I wonder which idiot prepared the drama... it sucked... XD... yet it won first place... XD... the other performances must have sucked even more... XD...

Watched Transformers 2 again... If you're not an action junkie, you won't like it. From a general point of veiw its not bad. It got flamed quite badly from critics but for hardcore action fans it'll be UBER.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

O_o More fillers ?!

Nope I didn't kena National Suicide.