Sunday, March 29, 2009


too darn lazy to post... wish I just will my thoughts out and paste it to the screen... *squints eyes... nope.. fail...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Insomnia... killing me sleepy...

Omg... been sleeping at 6am for the past three days... what the hell... its close to 5am right now and I'm hardly sleepy at all !! WHATS WRONG !! Yeah... counting sheep only works for people without rapid wild restless imaginations... Sleeping pills? I can't find my dads stash... I don't think he even has any... =_=" 


Yea... anyways... I was the Master Of Ceremonies(MC/emcee)  -sounds cooler XD-  for the Naw Ruz celebrations at open pool in Condominium Datin Halimah near Larkin there... I think I was the crappiest MC EVA !! Anyways... its was quite fun... children running and creating havoc in every nook and cranny, the slide  show EPICFAILED later on because of the wind... 

I waited for everybody to eat first so I won't have to line up later (heheheh) but its was too late... food = gone = end of the world... no lar... I later went to eat ice kacang and rojak at that sea side place thingy don't remember the name.... >_<" 

Oh right... btw... remember the super-pixelated camera? Well... I found out it works at night when its really dark... no more funny horizontal pixels... yay... hooray... at least it can still be used right?

I freaking dropped the camera and the lenses'ed... 
My dad was soo angry that he didn't scold

Hear are some pictures post-fall-of-the-camera...

Tan Joon Chien, my partner in crime... As you can see the cam's focus is cacat'ed only on the background... 

Joon Chien again... >_<, anyways... The long lineup for FOOD and the infamous horizontal pixels can be seen obviously...

This is a shot of the audience next to the swimming (duh!) pool... pixelated to the MAX because its brighter...

My dad being a real pro, using a mic-stand to support the screen... Gautham next to him in white... (see the muscles, Gideon?)

MY UBERCUTE NEPHEW !! Avinash. He speaks in an American accent because of imitating Playhouse Disney... cool right ?!

Will try to get more proper photos from Gautham... 

PS: Please mourn for my Casio Exilim 7.2 Megapixel 2.8"LCD camera... T_T

Monday, March 16, 2009

Where did everybody go ?!

Ahem... ponteng'ed my GRADE 6 THEORY EXAM TODAYA few hundred bucks down the drain... Can't help it la... too rich edi... XD XD NO LAR !! I've already gave up on piano this year... but I paid for the retake of the theory exam... but its impossible for me to relearn all that I have missed... >_<" 

By the way, today most of the gang went to SG, Melissa MSLM is in JAPAN !! wtf... and Rachel is in KL right now... so I only have Chua with me... *wipes tear... Chua is always there for me... FTW !!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Holy bugger...

Poser =_=
Prayerfulness redefined...XD

About 2 weeks ago, I found a praying mantis right in the middle of the front porch, hehehe...
Picture taken with my dad's iPhone while he's asleep. hehehe...
Don't you just love its ignore-everything-that-is-happening-around-them attitude. XD

Saturday, March 14, 2009

what happens when you put us in a soundproof room...


At about 10am today, WelikeUlike, consisting of Chua, Wilson, Sarah and Rachel went to the library to discuss their English oral test... I crashed it beforehand, and Edy came and joined us later... 

THANK GOD that the room was soundproof... ANYWAYS... the day was full of "YOU SQUAT DOWN NOW !!", *MBS, bugger (perogol in Malay wtf...), and Sarah scaring little boys and girls XD.

Just to let all you readers out there... My blog will be very picture-less... because:

1. The photos taken from my camera are pixelated like hell ... only videos are clear....
2. My handphone does not have a camera because of (3.)

sad right? I'll only be able to upload photos from the net OR use my dad's iPhone to take the photos and upload them... BUT, my dad isn't home most of the time (he's out there saving lives !! =_=").

The coming week is full of homework and boredom... and I'm looking SOO forward to it... 

Thursday, March 12, 2009



Ahem... my blog is ... erm... still in its construction stages... so cut me some slack okay?