Saturday, May 30, 2009

Have mercy on the nose !!

Today was ... er... interesting...

Mum went to KL to send our "domestic help" to the airport for her flight back to Indonesia... So I was HOME ALONE !! 

Anyways, after that I went to my cousins house... and over there... my sister, Banu, gave me a facial to remove the blackheads on my nose ... WTF !! and OH MY GOD !! damn pain okay !! My nose was effing red !! anyways... 

First you have to open the pores on your face, then remove the blackheads... after that you close the pores with some mask thingy (the wash-away-able kind, not the peel-off kind)... anyways, I had to wait 30 mins so I dozed off... 

I was too tired to stop my sister from writing my name on my forehead and taking a photo of my face and sending it to both my other sisters overseas.

After that, on the way sending me home, her car ran out of fuel... O_O", and to make things worse we were on a hill... so starting that old Proton Saga of hers would be impossible... thank god she had a 1.5 litre bottle of Coke filled with petrol... >_<

I had to go out in the middle of the road, open the boot, fill up the car with 3 bucks of petrol in the middle of traffic with everyone staring at me...


Friday, May 29, 2009

Emobama !

This picture looks like a shirt that I have... XD

*blinks out a single tear...


Just finished wiping the dust off the keyboard, modem, monitor, CPU, mouse, and my 500GB external hard disk (I wish!) ...

I have my holidays planned out with 50% on anime, 20% on movies, 30% on gaming and.... oh wait... I forgot studies and homework... okay... so 40% on anime, 40% gaming and 20% movies... ah~ thats better... XD

No really, I'm kidding... aberdeen and perth would beat the chinese outta me and I'll be a full indian... XD


Saturday, May 16, 2009

hot n cold !!!

started off 38 degrees, then 39, then 38 then 39 again... now its 38...

bloody viral fever... couldn't you have picked a better timing to come?

thank god its teachers day on monday... ><

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Exams on the 14th. 

Ja-ne !

the both of you will be happy to know that I won't be coming online until exams are over.

haggis and macropods.

Monday, May 4, 2009

ARG !!

Exam's are on the 11th !! OMFG !!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

oh so wet.

Stole from Yen Yen's blog...
Group photo !!

Brithday Girl(left) - Hostess(middle) - Birthday Boy(right) - My Hand(corner)

Okay... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ADRIAN !! Yesterday there was a double birthday party, Hui Yi's and Adrian's... the party was held at Shue Min's house... doesn't make sense right? Well... it's not supposed to... We had a poolside barbecue

Anyways the highlight that evening was...

Chronological Order of Splassshers:
2.Ong Bao Jie
6.Hui Yi

After this mark I dunno who was pushed in next but... EVERYBODY WAS PUSHED IN except fo Ying Yu because she wasn't feeling well...
I was pushed in by Shue Min because I was laughing at Sin Rei who just got pushed in... >_<>

We received some complaints that we were making to much noise from the security guards...

During some punishment game:
Melissa Wong and Adrian had to sing.
Chua and Jia Ann kissed for 10 secs with only a thin file in between.
Wilson and Sin Rei nose-bump (literal mandarin translation) each other.


Friday, May 1, 2009


Going crazy with FAILBLOG !