Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Okaaay. Considering the fact that almost everyone was sick (flu, cough, runny nose, etc...) and that there is a Swine flu outbreak in some parts of the world... WE'RE ALL DOOMED !!

no lar, obviously we're not, but still we have to be vigilant!

Dings constant talk about the Swine flu virus mutating and turning the infected into zombies was very reassuring... >_< 

He then asked "where would you seek refuge to fend the zombies off?". We discussed about it during Chemistry period (Mind you, we were doing our work too...). And we came up with:

1.Underground safe houses. (Cliché much?)
2.Some place high. (Better vantage point mah...)
3.Middle of the ocean on a fully supplied boat. (Apparently zombies can't swim. >_<)
4.Jusco Tebrau. (Almost unlimited food supply... XD)

Have to type out a section of Bab 8 Sejarah for Sejarah (duh) tomorrow... Gonna bentang with Chua and Wilson tomorrow, I think...

I'm totally screwed by Form 4 Add math... Lydia faster come back and help me !!

Adrian's birthday party on Friday, BBQ at some resort... still in the process of planning, nothing confirmed yet...