First of all, it's quite a crappy movie... thank God I didn't watch it in the cinemas, you can buy the DVD if you want. I don't wanna spoil the movie -even though it sucks- so I'll just scratch the surface of it... A hero (I won't call him a superhero cause there's nothing SUPER about him) based on a comic book, all he can do is regenerate really fast and flirt with women like no tomorrow. Yup, despite the poster showing bullets going THROUGH him... he is actually very much solid and vulnerable to bullets... >_<.
Oh and btw, apparently the current outbreak of the Swine Influenza (H1N1) contains genetic traces of Swine flu, Human flu and Avian flu... lagi teruk... >_<
Useful tips:
1.Always wash your hands.
2.Don't eat ham.
3.Cook your pork above 70 degrees Celsius, the temperature will kill the virus.
4.Convert to Muslim.
Okay, I was joking about the fourth... even so, you can still contract the virus from another person.
mouth speak eye cry