Wednesday, April 15, 2009

rice rice rice is soo nice

Firsty of all... SORRY MELISSA !! Didn't realize my own strength... T_T
Sarah... don't be sad.... we'll find out the combination to Kalthom's daughter's new lock someday... XD

To the two who look not-so alike anymore and fail at using my chatbox... I'll try to get L4D ASAP !!

and... at SK...

"Eh, we just eat the red and purple colour ones la, they're the most expensive."
"Eyeer, this fish is not fresh... *replaces with a new one"
"Okay... last plate... after this enough..." 
5 mins later...
SC: Aiyah just take more la XD

We had about 48 bucks worth of sushi but only paid 24 !! WOOTS !! CHEAP CHEAP !! 

Gonna to to SK TWICE tomorrow (29 more mins) once with Giddy, Willy, Chilly and Silly, and then later with my "bloodthers" LOL... 


Btw, if ya'll wonderin what the fish happened... I was playing with this toy behind Melissa's bag... and Stitch fell off... O_O... UHU SUPERGLUED it back... 
