Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Very dulan... spent 2 hours last night typing out the WRONG bab for Sejarah.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Okaaay. Considering the fact that almost everyone was sick (flu, cough, runny nose, etc...) and that there is a Swine flu outbreak in some parts of the world... WE'RE ALL DOOMED !!

no lar, obviously we're not, but still we have to be vigilant!

Dings constant talk about the Swine flu virus mutating and turning the infected into zombies was very reassuring... >_< 

He then asked "where would you seek refuge to fend the zombies off?". We discussed about it during Chemistry period (Mind you, we were doing our work too...). And we came up with:

1.Underground safe houses. (Cliché much?)
2.Some place high. (Better vantage point mah...)
3.Middle of the ocean on a fully supplied boat. (Apparently zombies can't swim. >_<)
4.Jusco Tebrau. (Almost unlimited food supply... XD)

Have to type out a section of Bab 8 Sejarah for Sejarah (duh) tomorrow... Gonna bentang with Chua and Wilson tomorrow, I think...

I'm totally screwed by Form 4 Add math... Lydia faster come back and help me !!

Adrian's birthday party on Friday, BBQ at some resort... still in the process of planning, nothing confirmed yet...

Monday, April 27, 2009

final laugh.

have been watching waaaay to many DVDs for the past week... just recently I watched :
First of all, it's quite a crappy movie... thank God I didn't watch it in the cinemas, you can buy the DVD if you want. I don't wanna spoil the movie -even though it sucks- so I'll just scratch the surface of it... A hero (I won't call him a superhero cause there's nothing SUPER about him) based on a comic book, all he can do is regenerate really fast and flirt with women like no tomorrow. Yup, despite the poster showing bullets going THROUGH him... he is actually very much solid and vulnerable to bullets... >_<. 

Oh and btw, apparently the current outbreak of the Swine Influenza (H1N1) contains genetic traces of Swine flu, Human flu and Avian flu... lagi teruk... >_<

Useful tips:
1.Always wash your hands.
2.Don't eat ham.
3.Cook your pork above 70 degrees Celsius, the temperature will kill the virus.
4.Convert to Muslim.

Okay, I was joking about the fourth... even so, you can still contract the virus from another person.
mouth speak eye cry

Friday, April 24, 2009


Ding... Do I still owe you another meal? T_T

Just had supper at the 101 something something restaurant, we ordered like 40 barbequed chickens okay... syok sial... finished playing the first 2 ACTS of L4D... I'm not that scared anymore (YAY!) but I'm only playing in easy difficulty ... >_<" Eh... its very nerve-wracking okay!! 

Hoping I can try to master form 4 Sejarah by the next two weeks... Sejarah is the only subject I am not able to read up last minute... Wilson! Chua! HELP!

Was updated on the ISM YAA thingy thingy, apparently Zaky's grandfather passed away and coincidentally he is down with the flu, fever and cough... All the best for out SSI team (prize money is huge...$_$), consisting of 2 bananas and a ketupat!

Its either you get lost or get married.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

wats tis?

I found something on the road that belongs to someone. It was broken and in pieces. I took it back home and fixed it because I didn't have anything to do. It would be awkward to just go to that someone and return it, telling that I fixed it out of pure boredom. So I'll just leave it somewhere where that someone can find it.

then it will be all fine and dandy.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Yay! Rained in the morning so Cooper Test was canceled, NO addmath today so I went back home tumpang Darren's car... spent the day playing abit of L4D -too scared too continue already...- watched 2 DVDs... Street Kings and Pathology... did some homework and studying for Sejarah test tomorrow T_T.


Today I installed...
Its already past midnight, so I'm not gonna play... coz... er... its really late... and... er... later my mum will scold... O_O

Monday, April 20, 2009


In the car on the way to tuition.

Mum: Your mother is Cantonese, you know that?
Me: Yalah, I'm Cantonese also mah.
Mum: Your Indian father married a Cantonese woman.
Me: If you are a Cantonese woman, what kind of Indian is papa?
Mum: A Tamil Tiger...

Unreasonable to my left and Oblivious to my right.
Both Hypocrites...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

see my fist? wanna take a closer look?

Not gonna blog about Hui Mei's birthday because... well... it would just add to the fact that I don't have a friggin camerah!
Okay... maybe abit... Arrived at about 6.30pm at the pool in Hui Mei's condo, tons of people came, about 50+ O_O... basically the highlight of the party was Hui Mei and the splashing of the Chinese gamer dudes XD.

~The next day~ 

We consisting of Wilson, Melissa W, Rachel, Gideon, Chua, Melissa S, Sin Rei and me, went to the convent library to do some Moral project thingy... I went there after Junior Youth classes so I was pretty tired but working on the project was fun and my fatigue just flew away... o_o... 

After that we went to CS to eat and watch a movie, ate at Summers then we watched:

The movie was quite good, I give it a 7/10 bah... the movie is about a mall cop. DUH!. No lar... basically about this hypoglycemic mall security officer on a Segway being able to save the day with the power of LOVE and alot of glucose. O_O

Will be frowning more than usual so that the scab on the wound on my head won't tear... -->>  O*_O
I want a Segway.... T*_T
* = scab...

chit chit... click... "shit... I'm outta ammo."

Friday, April 17, 2009


Okay... so I shouted "NOOB!" at Desmund, Naqi, and Darshanan when their rocket EPIC FAILED for the 6th time... and the hall was just silent (you know those awkward silent few seconds?) right when I shouted... >_<"

Terima kasih Cikgu Norlela... Cikgu tadi sangat "subtle"... O_O""

Anyways... today at CS we celebrated Colvin's birthday at Wong Kok! It was good, we had a TITANIC cup of milk tea and the place was full of testosterone... =_="

During lunch, Shaun kena from the whole group of 13 guys... hehehe...

Anyways... before the birthday...8 guys took a ride on Adrians dad "Jurassic Park Jeep" to CS LOL !! After we reached there... I saw Ding and I wanted to sneak attack him from behind... So I ran towards him (We were right outside Wong Kok),but before I could reach him... I slipped, knocked my head on the clothes stand and fell. Bled a little but I'm okay... but now I know to never run in my Black Ronald McDonald so-called-water-proof boots anymore... T_T

39 mins.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today during English, our group, really :(

Walked around CS with Sarah, Chua and Melissa W to buy something for someone... later on when we met up with Wilson and Edy at Kerry's for Sushi King, Sarah said "Eh, you should have given us the card first then we can eat first while waiting for you la, mapak..." XD. Yen Yen came and joined us later.

and also:

1.Was supposed to go to SK twice but didn't... T_T

2.Chua will someday cause the extinction of prawns.

3.Wilson got kicked in the *ahem* by Edy...

4.Mum came and picked up me 30 mins late... so I waited like an idiot outside Kerry's...

5.Doing the finishing touches to our script for The Pearl, I hope our group can pull it off.

Oh... and sorry for almost giving Chua, Edy, Wilson, Melissa, and Sarah a heart attack earlier... I took the Sushi King member card BEFORE they paid and went off, ehehehe... sry la I came back right? XD

Oh, so you're not paid to do that? Does that mean I don't have to do anything I'm not paid to do?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

rice rice rice is soo nice

Firsty of all... SORRY MELISSA !! Didn't realize my own strength... T_T
Sarah... don't be sad.... we'll find out the combination to Kalthom's daughter's new lock someday... XD

To the two who look not-so alike anymore and fail at using my chatbox... I'll try to get L4D ASAP !!

and... at SK...

"Eh, we just eat the red and purple colour ones la, they're the most expensive."
"Eyeer, this fish is not fresh... *replaces with a new one"
"Okay... last plate... after this enough..." 
5 mins later...
SC: Aiyah just take more la XD

We had about 48 bucks worth of sushi but only paid 24 !! WOOTS !! CHEAP CHEAP !! 

Gonna to to SK TWICE tomorrow (29 more mins) once with Giddy, Willy, Chilly and Silly, and then later with my "bloodthers" LOL... 


Btw, if ya'll wonderin what the fish happened... I was playing with this toy behind Melissa's bag... and Stitch fell off... O_O... UHU SUPERGLUED it back... 



In school, Rosli tells us how marriage can be a disaster, and Rachel spotted Puan Wong TK's"bulge" during Physics class... this "bulge" being her 2nd should be around 2-3 months old in womb age (wtf?) and teacher will probably be delivering during SPM !! SPM BABY !!

The movie is really really really good... but unfortunately it didn't get enough airtime on cinemas and they stopped it early... >_<"

It's about a dad, whose daughter is kidnapped and sold for prostitution... Well, basically he is angry and the kidnappers face his wrath... Won't explain much... you HAVE to watch it for yourselves...XD

I give it an 8.5/10 and I recommend it to EVERYBODY !! Especially those girls who are going overseas... O_O"


Friday, April 10, 2009

blinded by blinds

Two letters containing Barack Obama threats 

This is something I expected to happen at some time, which is sad, I know. The Secret Service is investigating two letters with Barack Obama threats.

The letter sent to the party office reportedly expresses a wish that Obama "gets a bullet." The second to the unidentified Howell business owner includes racial slurs - preceded by a warning that the owner should "think hard about who you are trying to elect."

Michigan State Police said they are investigating racial slurs spray-painted on an Obama campaign billboard along U.S. 23 near Ann Arbor. Officers believe the graffiti, which includes swastikas and Ku Klux Klan symbols, were painted late Tuesday or early Wednesday.

Obama state campaign spokesman Brent Colburn said he believed it was the first large-scale act of vandalism on Obama campaign material to include such slurs in Michigan

what's wrong with those people... racism to that extent...  how narrow-minded can they be? world peace my ass la, you wanna change the world? start with yourself first... until then eff off...

not being a racist should be a job qualification... YET SOME JOBS REQUIRE RACISM.

yet, being an chindian does change your perspective on this topic compared to other races... like... until you go to countries where racism is common... you won't know how it's like... being half-chinese actually lessened the amount of racism I got... and my malay looks helped alot... 

To all those victims of racism out there... BE STRONG !! 

Sunday, April 5, 2009


won't be updating soon or anytime in the NEAR FUTURE... internet access is gonna be restricted over here... no mood to update also... bloody homework... =_=